Bach remedies belong to energy therapies. According to practitioners and those who use them to treat the mental and emotional part of the individual and so on, can cure and the physical body, since the cause of most diseases are in those levels. It can for example someone has deficiencies in the body due to bad eating and other habits. The Bach remedies will not add this missing element, but will help the individual to make the necessary changes in his life, or the necessary moves and options (eg choosing a good doctor) or a change in mental and emotional attitude which in turn will have effect on the physical body.
Method of preparation
The usual way of preparation is that of solar method, where the selected flowers remain for three hours in a water source beneath the sun. Then the flowers are removed and the activated water is mixed with brandy. In other cases the flowers are boiled in water source. The result of both methods is the mother remedy, which is further diluted to finally create the bottles of flower essences we buy from pharmacies.
After the therapist or the person himself chooses remedies that suit, the person needs to take the product four times a day, four drops underneath the tongue. The maximum of remedies that can take one is seven. No case of overdose or other hazard, and are completely safe, chemical-free. The worst that can happen is simply the remedies do not work.
In the long run, they can be effective in many cases.
List of verbs
The 38 remedies and their indications are:
- Agrimony – Inner torment behind cheerful mask
- Aspen – Undefined fears and evil forebodings
- Beech – Criticism, intolerance
- Centaury – Weak will, servility, can not say ‘no’
- Cerato – Lack of confidence in the crisis / intuition -Need to confirm
- Cherry Plum – Fear of losing control or his mind – hysteria
- Chestnut Bud – Lack of observation, unable to learn from mistakes
- Chicory – Possessiveness, emotional blackmail
- Clematis – Daydreaming, forgetfulness, inattention, poor concentration
- Crab Apple – The cleansing remedy, feeling dirt, attention to detail
- Elm – Temporary incapacity feeling in front of large claims
- Gentian – Discouragement, defeatism
- Gorse – Despair, hopelessness
- Heather – talks endlessly about himself, egocentricity
- Holly – Negativity, jealousy, envy, revenge, anger, suspicion
- Honeysuckle – Nostalgia – living in the past
- Hornbeam – Mental exhaustion, fatigue
- Impatiens – Impatience, large internal volume
- Larch – Lack of confidence, inferiority complex
- Mimulus – Fear particular known things – animals, heights, disease and other
- Mustard – Recurrent depression without apparent reason
- Oak – For people who never give up surpassing the limits of their endurance
- Olive – Total mental or physical exhaustion after heavy exertion or chronic problems
- Pine – Of self, guilt
- Red Chestnut – Excessive concern for loved ones
- Rock Rose – Tremor, intense fear, panic
- Rock Water – Mental rigidity, pursuit of perfection
- Scleranthus – Indecision, cyclothymia
- Star of Bethlehem – For each case of mental or physical shock, recent or old
- Sweet Chestnut – Deeply internal pain – ‘the dark night of the soul‘
- Vervain – Excessive excitement, tension, excessive zeal for the salvation of others
- Vine – Domination
- Walnut – wants to make changes, but can not. transitional periods
- Water Violet – Desire for solitude, pride
- White Chestnut – Continuous unwanted thoughts and mental dialogues
- Wild Oat – Lack of goals and life purpose
- Wild Rose – Lack of interest, resignation, lack of motivation to change life
- Willow – Bitter, feeling that the negative fact to blame others
- Rescue Remedy – For any emergency, accidents, exams, bad news, etc. (5 combination remedies)